blog vicka

Rabu, 30 Maret 2011

Tips for beautiful lips

Follow this guide to treating common lip problems.
CUT IN THE CORNER OF THE MOUTH Keep your lips hydrated with a balm and apply a small dab of an over-the-counter hydrocortisone cream.
PEELING LIPS This could be an allergic reaction to a lipstick, toothpaste, food, beverage or medication you're taking (Accutane is one drug that can severely dry out lips). Related symptoms include itching and a persistent rash. Your dermatologist can prescribe a mild topical hydrocortisone cream to help decrease the irritation.
WRINKLES AROUND THE LIPS Caused by sun exposure, age and smoking, these wrinkles should be treated like wrinkles on the rest of the face -- with chemical peels and creams that contain anti-aging ingredients like retinol. One to apply: Avon Anew Retinol Lip Treatment with vitamin C and retinol ($10; 800-FOR-AVON).
THIN LIPS If you want fuller lips, the best temporary option right now is collagen (Zyderm) injections, which cost about $300 per treatment and last about six months. (Possible side effects include temporary redness and excessive swelling of the lips.)
best lipsticks and balms
We tested hundreds of colors and moisturizing balms to pick these favorites. Best vitamin-enriched lipstick Almay One Coat Lip Cream with vitamins A, C and E ($8.75; at drugstores).

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